Hello new friends! (At least I hope I can call you my friends soon.) Welcome to my blog, Deanna’s Journey to Publication. I wanted to take this first post to tell you a little bit about myself and let you know what kind of content you can expect from me moving forward.
The Cliff’s Notes about me (more can be read in my About Me post). My name is Deanna Lee. At the time of writing this, I am a 40-year-old single mom of four beautiful daughters. I am an avid reader and am working toward my MFA in Creative Writing on the path to becoming a professional writer.
Now that that’s out of the way, onto the content!
What kind of content do I have in mind for you, beautiful souls? Well, since I am an avid (see rabid) reader, you will have the privilege of hearing about what I’m currently reading, and I will be sharing book reviews of books I’ve finished. I have a goal to read 100 books this year, so you have a lot of book reviews headed your way. (I read over 160 books last year, so I don’t doubt I’ll have a problem making my goal this year.)
I am also a writer, so another aspect of the content I will be sharing with you will be my journey from outline to publication. This will include random rants about writing frustrations, characters not doing what they’re supposed to, and even ranting about whatever course I’m currently taking toward my MFA.
One topic I’ll be touching on, content-wise, is mental health. I have my own mental health struggles, and I want anyone who reads my blog to know that they are not alone in their struggles and that we can get through this crazy world together. Sometimes, all we need is to know someone loves us. And please know, even though I don’t know you yet, I love you.
Lastly, I’ll likely have random posts on things going on in my life. My day job is insane, and my kids are even crazier.
I cannot wait to meet all of you.