Banks Rossi was the golden boy of the core four, and then his life fell apart. College is supposed to be where you get a fresh start, a new beginning. It’s where you find yourself, and make friendships that last a lifetime, but not for me. Ever since my mom died two years ago I…
The Joys and Pains of Outlining
I’d gone back and forth over what I wanted to write about this week, and while my original plan had been to talk about crochet, something else came up that I felt I wanted to talk about. For those who don’t know, I’m currently attending online courses through SNHU for my MFA in Creative Writing,…
We Went Into The Outside – And It Was Okay
We went out to a bookstore yesterday, the oldest offspring and myself, because, well, books. It seems we were not the only ones with this idea because, boy, were the stores packed. Our first stop was Half Price Books. I love this store because you can find some real gems there. And boy, did I.…
I’m Going on a Journey. Come With Me.
Hello new friends! (At least I hope I can call you my friends soon.) Welcome to my blog, Deanna’s Journey to Publication. I wanted to take this first post to tell you a little bit about myself and let you know what kind of content you can expect from me moving forward. The Cliff’s Notes…